You will find associated documents related to this page topic lower down the page.
Requests for Paper Copies
Hardcopies of all policies and reports found on this website are available on request at the school office.
Contact Details
The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:
Head Teacher : Mr Drew Brown, Brambleside Academy, Cleveland Avenue, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 9NZ Email:
SENCO, Michelle Eaton-Brown, Email SENCo
Tel : 01536 310680 for both of these key contacts.
Performance Data
The school has a policy on behaviour management focused on RESPECT (which is available for your perusal). We want children at Brambleside to be well behaved,self-disciplined and confident. We expect parents to work with the school in partnership to support its aims. When your child starts at our school you will be asked to sign a contract, a home-school agreement. It is our aim to build upon the discipline already established at home and we enter into this contract with you as part of our belief in partnership between home and school.
We have a system of rewards and sanctions to reward good behaviour and prevent unacceptable behaviour. Staff set a good example to the children in the way we behave with them and you. Care, courtesy and consideration are the key words in our code of behaviour. Every child has a right to feel safe, the right to respect and the right to learn. All children have the responsibility to ensure that this happens. Staff use positive behaviour management strategies. They use verbal praise, sharing success, public celebration, stickers, letters home, certificates and house points at various times during the school year. Records are kept of challenging behaviour and parents are informed and involved at an early stage if we have to use sanctions.
All incidents of racial harassment or bullying are recorded and reported as per the Northamptonshire Policy. These incidents are taken very seriously and are dealt with quickly. Parents are involved in discussions about strategies and solutions. Exclusion is very rarely necessary and only occurs if the school’s programme of positive behaviour management does not succeed and the school does not have the resources to meet the child’s need. We adhere to the Northamptonshire policy on exclusion.
Charging & Remissions
Vision & Ethos
Our school ethos is to encourage our children to be ambitious about their futures; to believe in their abilities and of course to work hard in order to achieve success.
Financial Statements/Academy Trust Information
Our Trust Financial details are provided in the panel, further on this page..
Complaints procedures
Our complaints procedure will be available as a download in the Key Files & Reports panel, further on this page.
Key Files, Policies & Reports
Financial Statements/Academy Trust Information