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The curriculum at Brambleside fully reflects the requirements of the New 2014 National Curriculum and County Policy. We aim to ensure that children acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate enthusiastic learning and help them to progress. Positive attitudes to work are established early. Our aim is that the children will become independent, curious, questioning and adaptable, and that this will be accomplished in an atmosphere of happiness, security and calm. Our expectations are high and we encourage each child to reach his/her full potential. Great care is taken in planning. Teaching methods vary according to the type of activity or the aims of a particular session. We are aware that children have different learning styles and provide a variety of activities in order to ensure equal access.
Phonics and Reading Schemes
Rocket Phonics in KS1/EYFS
Rising Stars in KS1.
Accelerated Reader in KS1 (Year 1 and 2) for some children.
Detailed information on how we support the curriculum on a termly basis, for each year group, can be found below.
Curriculum Delivery Documents